Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Find the perfect stock asset for your next creative project

Explore diverse collections of our most incredible high-resolution, royalty-free, stock assets

Adobe Stock is a stock photo service offered by Adobe that is fully integrated into Creative Cloud platform. It provides a seamless workflow for designers, since you can browse, test edit and use professional stock photos in your designs directly in your favourite editing apps. With various subscription plans that include monthly and annual options, you can get high quality, Royalty-Free stock photos for between $0.26 and $9,99 each. Certainly a valuable offer, and one of the best for all designers using Adobe Creative Cloud! Ready to see cool images just now? Then make use of the Adobe Stock search feature below: enter your search term and hit the button to bring up all they have in that topic!

Access millions of high-quality images from the world’s leading creative community. Create powerful presentations with stunning images to enhance your work. Adobe Stock gives you access to millions of high-quality photos and illustrations — all from the world’s largest creative community. Adobe Stock integrates seamlessly with Google Slides so you can easily search for images without leaving your presentation. Search by keyword or categories, and preview images inside your presentations. You can also use the power of Adobe Sensei by easily uploading an image to perform a visual search. When you’re ready to license an image, simply connect with your existing Adobe Stock account or sign up for one.

What Does Adobe Stock Offer

Adobe Stock Premium Collection Mosaic > What is Adobe Stock? Discover Adobe’s Stock Photo Offer for Designers

Stock photos are the obvious answer, but there’s more. Adobe Stock has over 60 million curated images, all in HD quality and ready to use legally in your work, under Royalty-Free license. They also have a Premium collection with high-end imagery, plus dedicated collections in other media types like stock videos, templates, 3D models, and more.

Adobe Stock offers images via subscription plans. These can be monthly or annual, and they go from just 3 downloads a month up to 750 images a month. The plans are very convenient, with low prices that take a single image prices down to less than a dollar each. You can also buy credit packs that let you access premium and additional content in an on-demand model.

Another bonus point in Adobe Stock’s offer is their intelligent search technology, which lets you find the right kind of images you’re after using keywords, image recognition, and machine learning, helping you get more accurate results faster and easier.

Key features

  • Unlimited access to standard images:IU users can download an unlimited number of assets of Adobe Stock’s “standard content”. This includes most photos, vector graphics, and illustrations listed on Adobe Stock. There are currently more than 190 million assets on Adobe Stock, most of which are considered “standard content”, with more being added on an ongoing basis.

    While additional premium assets, such as video, templates, and 3D models, are not available to most IU users as part of this agreement, some previously licensed premium assets can be re-downloaded by anyone at IU by browsing through the license history  on the Adobe Stock website. Additionally, Adobe has made a limited number of Photoshop Illustrator InDesign  and motion graphics  templates available to download for free. Adobe Stock also offers some other content for free , including some video.

    IU has a very limited number of credits for premium content, such as video, audio, templates, 3D models, and some images. These assets are tagged as “premium” when searching Adobe Stock. Credits can be allotted to individual faculty or staff users on a case-by-case basis. Note that credits are only needed for this premium content; before requesting credits, make sure the standard or free content as outlined above isn’t meeting your needs. If you are a faculty or staff member and would like to request credits, complete the Adobe Stock Premium Credits Request form .

    Only IU employees may request credits for premium content. However, all IU users may download unlimited standard assets, including more than 190 million photos, illustrations, and graphics, as outlined above.
  • Search:To help navigate the millions of assets and find the right one for a project, Adobe Stock includes advanced search and filtering capabilities, including visual search that searches for images similar to one a user uploads; filters that sort based on elements like depth of field or whether an image has room to add copy or other elements; and artificial intelligence algorithms that apply search terms to individual aesthetic elements found in an image. For more, see Adobe Stock Search Tips .
  • License to use assets:Most assets licensed and downloaded from Adobe Stock through IU’s Adobe agreement come with an Education License, which allows faculty, staff, and students to use, reproduce, archive, modify and display the asset for purposes related to their professional, academic, and course work at IU, including use in marketing and promotional materials, presentations, decorations, and digital productions that benefit IU. Assets licensed under IU’s agreement with Adobe should not be used for other purposes unrelated to IU, such as for personal financial gain. See more about the Adobe Stock Education License . When you search for assets on the Adobe Stock website, you’ll be able to see the license that applies.

    Attribution is required for any image used in an editorial manner (that is, in connection with newsworthy or cultural events, such as use in a newspaper, magazine, newsletter, press release, or similar media). Attribution is generally not required for other uses of assets licensed with the Education License; however, some images are licensed for editorial use only, and thus require attribution. Make sure to note which license applies when using images.

    Generally, presentations, course web sites, course material, projects, and the like would not be considered editorial use and thus do not require attribution. However, instructors and others may want to provide attribution even when not required as a way to model for st

    • udents proper citation and attribution of sources.

      Whether you are required or choose to attribute based on the factors here, Adobe and UITS recommend the following attribution format: AuthorName - The author or contributor name is listed with each asset.

    • Integration with other apps:Adobe Stock is fully integrated into native Adobe Creative Cloud applications, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Premiere Pro, among others. In those applications, you can search and license Adobe Stock assets from within the application. You can also enable Adobe Stock integrations for Microsoft PowerPoint  and Google Slides  through IU’s Microsoft and Google ecosystems, respectively.

Top Pros and Cons

Top Pros

  • Adobe products
  • Photos and videos
  • Industry specific
  • Provides a large inventory of creative assets, both stock and vector.
  • Allows assets to be purchased, and then synced with CC libraries.
  • Optimizes user-experience and search.
  • Thousands of images to choose from.
  • Easy to use filters to narrow down search.
  • Easy to use and navigate UI.

Top Cons

  • United states
  • Not clear
  • Search results
  • Stock imagery inventory doesn’t seem to be as robust as Getty’s.
  • Sometimes I come across stock imagery that is very dated.
  • Reverse functionality: Currently you can expand keyword tags but not collapse them.
  • Add text to icon buttons: it’s difficult to know what the icons represent as there is no hover text or tooltip.
  • Increase font size for small text: currently small text is not accessible for those who are visually impaired.


Adobe Stock Pricing Overview


Starting at $29

per month


Starting at $29.99

per month

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